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High-Performance Computing and Networking International Conference and Exhibition Munich, Germany, April 1994 Proceedings - Applications

ISBN-10: 354057980X

ISBN-13: 9783540579809

Edition: 1994

Authors: W. Gentzsch, U. Harms

List price: $54.99
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High-performance computing and networking (HPCN) is driven by several initiatives in Europe, the United States, and Japan. In Europe several groups encouraged the Commission of the European Communities to start an HPCN programme. This two-volume work presents the proceedings of HPCN Europe 1994. Volume 2 includes sections on: networking, future European cooperative working possibilities in industry and research, HPCN computer centers aspects, performance evaluation and benchmarking, numerical algorithms for engineering, domain decomposition in engineering, parallel programming environments, load balancing and performance optimization, monitoring, debugging, and fault tolerance, programming…    
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Book details

List price: $54.99
Copyright year: 1994
Publisher: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Publication date: 4/7/1994
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 461
Size: 6.10" wide x 9.17" long
Weight: 3.300
Language: English