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New ADHD Medication Rules Brain Science and Common Sense

ISBN-10: 1938467221

ISBN-13: 9781938467226

Edition: N/A

Authors: Charles Parker

List price: $14.95
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New ADHD Medication Rules deals with the over-medication, missed diagnoses and imbalanced medical treatments used today in the treatment of ADHD. Dr. Parker shows where and how these imbalances occur, provides the data and explanations for why the treatment is incorrect, and then simplifies and explains the proper methods for dealig with ADHD, both for medical practioners and parents of kids and adults with ADHD.Rules is based upon the latest brain science, and includes a variety of associated treatment topics that address the real complexity of ADHD medical management.The variables that effect medication effectiveness range from sleep, to breakfast, to biomedical interferences that can…    
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Book details

List price: $14.95
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Publication date: 1/1/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 180
Size: 5.75" wide x 9.25" long x 0.50" tall
Weight: 0.550
Language: English