Laura Stewart has long been an advocate of positive parenting.A Teacher and Psychologist, Laura Stewart strongly believes that the first five years are the most formative and influential in a child's development of a strong sense of self.An experienced mother of twins and now grandmother of toddlers, she holds passionate beliefs about the importance of raising infants respectfully, responsibly and peacefully.In October 2014 Laura released her second book: "Toddler Sleep Solutions", after finding that such a large number of parents still have disturbed nights even when their toddler becomes a preschooler. Laura researched the topic thoroughly and interviewed dozens of parents. This book… offers readers a wealth of information on the topic and a summary of the different models expounded by sleep experts.In her first self published book, she explains the main concepts parents and carers need to understand in order to raise happy, confident and cooperative children. This concise volume is a very handy reference that can be used to apply important guidelines to specific situations for successful toddler parenting.