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Dixie and the Dominion Canada, the Confederacy, and the War for the Union

ISBN-10: 155002468X

ISBN-13: 9781550024685

Edition: 2003

Authors: Adam Mayers

List price: $35.00
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Book details

List price: $35.00
Copyright year: 2003
Publisher: Dundurn Press
Publication date: 10/1/2003
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 1.188
Language: English

Adam Mayers is a senior editor at, the "Toronto Star's" website, and a frequent contributor to "Civil War Times Illustrated", the largest general interest magazine on the Civil War. His articles focus on Canadian connections to the conflict.Mr. Mayers has a degree in psychology from McMaster, a graduate degree in journalism from the City University of London, and an MBA from McMaster. He lives in Oakville, Ontario.

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Spring Summons
Northwestern Conspiracy
The Irish Lord
Failed Rebellion
Peace Plans
Canadian Coalition
The Lake Erie Raid
Confederates in Charlottetown
The St. Albans Raid
Nation Builders at Quebec
Diplomatic Crisis
Firebombing New York
The Confederation Road Show
John Wilkes Booth
That Stupid Judge
Soldier of Empire
Winter Debates
A Note on Sources
Contemporary Books
Secondary Sources