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Chinese Blue Frog~ Old Water Pump~ Lined Journal

ISBN-10: 1494763028

ISBN-13: 9781494763022

Edition: N/A

Authors: Laurel Sobol

List price: $8.99
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Chinese Blue Frog is a fine art painting by Laurel Sobol. Laurel has a Red Strawberry Frog and a Red Eye Green Tree Frog in lined journals to also enjoy~Soli Deo Gloria...
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Book details

List price: $8.99
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 12/21/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 200
Size: 8.50" wide x 11.00" long x 0.46" tall
Weight: 1.298
Language: English

Laurel Marie Sobol is an inspirational author and illustrator of fine art. She believes that a healthy world equates to healthy inhabitants. Thus her art and literary works are geared toward the appreciation of earth, sustainability, green, recycling, reducing waste, and using natural forms of energy that don't contaminate the earth for thousands of years like nuclear energy. Laurel is an advocate for wildlife and nature for it is these innocent creations that can't speak for themselves to better their circumstances on this earth. The animals and plants need protection just as humans do for healthy living and longevity. The ideal world involves human and nature interaction and appreciation.…