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ISBN-10: 1493519638

ISBN-13: 9781493519637

Edition: N/A

Authors: Donna V

List price: $16.95
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This is the story of a woman who leaves her entire past behind to begin again on the island of Hawai'i. It is a fast-moving true tale of Donna V.'s first eighteen months "on island" and the lessons she learns which open her heart and mind to the power of Pele, the island Goddess. Follow Donna as she daily encounters magic along her path. Partner with her as she inspires others. Celebrate with her as she reaches her goal of becoming an active member of the nurturing community of Hawai'i and discovers the true meaning of aloha.
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Book details

List price: $16.95
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 11/27/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 140
Size: 5.00" wide x 8.00" long x 0.32" tall
Weight: 0.462
Language: English

Donna has an aim in this lifetime. It is to teach others the "easy" secrets she is constantly discovering through divine intervention, thereby enriching us all as inhabitants of this beautiful planet. She hears the calling, answering it immediately: with her time, talents, and continual prayers. Due to the overwhelming response of her first book, Transformation, Donna has written Cheers, Donna V. It is the true story of her exciting life in Australia; the people she met and the spiritual purpose of her move-to successfully eliminate the emotions of fear and worry from her daily existence. Donna grew up in South Florida and completed her undergraduate education with a focus on Business…