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Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Dinosaur National Monument

ISBN-10: 1492197688

ISBN-13: 9781492197683

Edition: N/A

Authors: National Park Service Staff

List price: $15.99
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In 2006, the National Park Service (NPS) estab-lished a cooperative agreement with the Univer-sity of Wyoming, through the Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, to produce a series of technical reports summarizing the vas-cular plant fl ora of each of the 16 national park units of the Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN). These reports are based on existing in-formation in the park service's NPSpecies data-base system and augmented by further data min-ing, reviews of state and regional herbaria, and new fi eld surveys to resolve the status of many reported and unconfi rmed species. The objective of these reports is to summarize the current state of knowledge of the fl ora…    
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Book details

List price: $15.99
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 8/28/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 194
Size: 8.50" wide x 11.00" long x 0.44" tall
Weight: 1.254
Language: English