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Unfailing Love

ISBN-10: 148394428X

ISBN-13: 9781483944289

Edition: N/A

Authors: Chelsea Thomas

List price: $17.50
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Imagine if you lost everything you had, including your memories. Would you be the same person? Do you think you'd be able to carry? Or do you think that it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't remember in the first place? So many questions, that's what it felt like. I think it's actually an important lesson that everyone must face in life in order to find your true self and destiny. You have to be blinded to the whole world until you stumble upon the reason you came to be. I'll take you back to the very day that my life changed forever...
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Book details

List price: $17.50
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 4/18/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 386
Size: 5.00" wide x 8.00" long x 0.87" tall
Weight: 1.100
Language: English

This is Chelsea's first published book, but plans on producing more in the future. She lives in sunny San Diego, pursing her dreams of writing and acting. Studying at a nearby community college, she is working towards her degree in Theatre.