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Unicorn from the Stars and Other Plays

ISBN-10: 1409932958

ISBN-13: 9781409932956

Edition: N/A

Authors: Lady Augusta Gregory, W. B. Yeats

List price: $12.99
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Book details

List price: $12.99
Publisher: Dodo Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 88
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.21" tall
Weight: 0.308

Lady Gregory's literary life did not blossom until after the death of her husband, Sir William Gregory, in 1892. At that time, she became very interested in Irish literature and history. After meeting William Butler Yeats in 1898, she dedicated her talent, wealth, and position to nurturing Irish national consciousness, and the growing renaissance of Irish literature. Lady Gregory was one of the founders of the Irish National Theatre Society, the author of books on Irish folklore, and an important playwright. Her story of the revival of native drama for the Irish stage is told in Our Irish Theatre (1913). Her journals reveal her as courageous and honest, with the gift of bringing out the…    

In his 1940 memorial lecture in Dublin, T. S. Eliot pronounced Yeats "one of those few whose history is the history of their own time, who are a part of the consciousness of an age which cannot be understood without them." Modern readers have increasingly agreed, and some now view Yeats even more than Eliot as the greatest modern poet in our language. Son of the painter John Butler Yeats, the poet divided his early years among Dublin, London, and the port of Sligo in western Ireland. Sligo furnished many of the familiar places in his poetry, among them the mountain Ben Bulben and the lake isle of Innisfree. Important influences on his early adulthood included his father, the writer and…