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Pathfinder; or, the Inland Sea

ISBN-10: 1406555908

ISBN-13: 9781406555905

Edition: N/A

Authors: James Fenimore Cooper

List price: $32.99
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Book details

List price: $32.99
Publisher: Dodo Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 464
Size: 6.25" wide x 9.25" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 1.518
Language: English

James Fenimore Cooper, acclaimed as one of the first American novelists, was born in Burlington, N.J., on September 15, 1789. When he was one year old, his family moved to Cooperstown, N.Y., which was founded by his father. Cooper attended various grammar schools in Burlington, Cooperstown, and Albany, and entered Yale University in 1803 at the age of 13. In 1806, Cooper was expelled from Yale for pushing a rag with gunpowder under a classmate's door, causing it to explode. He then spent some time as a merchant seaman and served as a midshipman in the U.S. Navy from 1808-1811. In 1811, Cooper married Susan De Lancey, and lived the life of a country gentleman until one day in 1820. Cooper…