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ISBN-10: 1406545813

ISBN-13: 9781406545814

Edition: N/A

Authors: George Moore, Temple Scott

List price: $21.99
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Book details

List price: $21.99
Publisher: Dodo Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 272
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.61" tall
Weight: 0.880
Language: English

George Moore was born in County Mayo, Ireland on February 24, 1852. He originally wanted to be a painter, and studied art in Paris during the 1870s. While in Paris, his first poetry collection, The Flowers of Passion, was self-published in 1877. He eventually decided to become a professional writer. In 1881, he published his second poetry collection, Pagan Poems. He wrote numerous poetry collections, short story collections, and novels including A Modern Lover (1883); A Mummer's Wife (1885); Esther Waters (1894); Sister Teresa (1901); The Brook Kerith (1916); and Aphroditis in Aulis (1930). He also found success as an art critic with books such as Impressions and Opinions (1891) and Modern…