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Be the Change How Meditation Can Transform You and the World

ISBN-10: 140278239X

ISBN-13: 9781402782398

Edition: N/A

Authors: Ed Shapiro, Deb Shapiro, Dalai Lama, Robert Thurman

List price: $14.95
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Join award-winning authors Ed and Deb Shapiro, and a host of world-renowned luminaries, on an enlightening spiritual journey. Spiritual leaders from all disciplines and walks of life reveal how meditation has changed their lives from the inside out-motivating readers to begin their own practices and create the foundation for a new, more hopeful age in the wider world. Includes wisdom from these extraordinary figures: HH the Dalai Lama * Robert Thurman * Jon Kabat-Zinn * Byron Katie * Jane Fonda * Joan Borysenko * HH The Karmapa * Jack Kornfield * Krishna Das * Dean Ornish * Ram Dass * Marianne Williamson * and more.
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Book details

List price: $14.95
Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Publication date: 11/1/2011
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 352
Size: 5.50" wide x 8.25" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 0.990
Language: English

The Dalai Lama, spiritual & political leader of the Tibetan people & a Nobel Peace Laureate, has in the last decade become a global spiritual leader whose message of universal & individual responsibility has won worldwide acclaim.

Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
The Greatest Adventure of All
Changing Me, Changing Us
So What Is Meditation?
How We Got Here
The Only Way Out Is Within
Transforming From the Inside Out
Growing Roses Out of Compost
We Belong to Each Other
The Pearl in the Oyster
Blossoms Ripening into Sweet Fruit
Transforming Us Transforms the World
Off the Cushion and into Life
We Are Not Alone Here
Silence in the Boardroom
Contemplative Activism
Can Meditation Change the World?
We Axe the Change We Are Looking For
Practice Makes Perfect
Doing It
Sitting Meditation
Sounding Meditation
Moving Meditation
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