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Unsaturated-Zone Modeling Progress, Challenges and Applications

ISBN-10: 1402029179

ISBN-13: 9781402029172

Edition: 2004

Authors: R. A. Feddes, G. H. de Rooij, J. C. van Dam

List price: $169.99
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Mankind has manipulated the quantity and quality of soil water for millennia. Food production was massively increased through fertilization, irrigation and drainage. But malpractice also caused degradation of immense areas of once fertile land, rendering it totally unproductive for many generations. In populated areas, the pollutant load ever more often exceeds the soils capacity for buffering and retention, and large volumes of potable groundwater have been polluted or are threatened to be polluted in the foreseeable future. In the past decades, the role of soil water in climate patterns has been recognized but not yet fully understood. The soil-science community responded to this…    
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Book details

List price: $169.99
Copyright year: 2004
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Publication date: 10/11/2004
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 364
Size: 6.10" wide x 9.25" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 1.804
Language: English

Colour Plates
Concepts and dimensionality in unsaturated modeling of water flow and solute transport
Concepts and dimensionality in modeling unsaturated water flow and solute transport
Integrated modeling of vadose-zone flow and transport processes
Parameterizing the soil-water-atmosphere transfer through vegetations
Understanding and parameterizing the soil-water-atmosphere transfer through vegetation
Parameterizing the soil-water-plant root system
Unsaturated-saturated water flow and solute transport and relation to surface water: regional scale
Drainage-water travel times as a key factor for surface water contamination
Role of vadose-zone flow processes in regional-scale hydrology: review, opportunities and challenges
Observing soil-vegetation system: measurements and models
Energy and water flow through the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system: the fiction of measurements and the reality of models
Reality and fiction of models and data in soil hydrology
Inserting man's irrigation and drainage wisdom into soil water flow models and bringing it back out: how far have we progressed?- 10. Eco-hydrology and biodiversity
On the use of unsaturated flow and transport models in nutrient and pesticide management
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