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Underage and Overweight Our Childhood Obesity Crisis - What Every Family Needs to Know

ISBN-10: 1401917917

ISBN-13: 9781401917913

Edition: 2009

Authors: Denise Linn

List price: $16.99
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Dreams are secret messages from your soul, as well as from the realm of spirit. They can be your greatest tool for profoundly understanding your life, yet few people recognize how to access this tremendous source of guidance and wisdom. Best-selling authorDenise Linncalls upon her native heritage and her knowledge of diverse cultures to present little-known information about the world of dreams. In this fascinating book, she brings you simple ways to utilize your nocturnal travels for spiritual transformation. Denise herself has journeyed into the space between two worlds through a near-death experience and has brought back invaluable perceptions that she shares within these pages. This…    
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Book details

List price: $16.99
Copyright year: 2009
Publisher: Hay House, Incorporated
Publication date: 3/1/2009
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 408
Size: 6.02" wide x 8.98" long x 0.91" tall
Weight: 1.298
Language: English

Denise Linn is an international healer, writer and lecturer. She has taught seminars in nineteen countries and has written twelve books, including Sacred Space and Feng Shui for the Soul. She has also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and in numerous documentaries, as well as on BBC TV and the Discovery and Lifetime TV channels. Denise lives in the central Californian wine region where she and her husband, David, are planning a small vineyard dedicated to producing sacred wine.