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Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

ISBN-10: 1401897495

ISBN-13: 9781401897499

Edition: 5th 2006

Authors: Delmar D. Fangmeier, Stephen R. Workman, Rodney L. Huffman, Glenn O. Schwab, William J. Elliot

List price: $225.95
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This book provides a professional text for undergraduate and graduate agricultural and biological engineering students interested in soil and water conservation in rural and urban areas. Subject matter includes all the engineering phases of soil and urban areas. Subject matter includes all the engineering phases of soil and water conservation for a one or two semester course. The authors assume that the student has a basic knowledge of calculus, surveying, mechanics, hydraulics, soils, and computers. The analytical approach is emphasized and is supplemented by sufficient field data to illustrate practical applications. The text emphasizes engineering principles in the areas of erosion,…    
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Book details

List price: $225.95
Edition: 5th
Copyright year: 2006
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication date: 9/26/2005
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 528
Size: 8.25" wide x 10.25" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 2.640
Language: English

Associate Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering; University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Associate Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

Conservation and the Environment
Water Quality
Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
Infiltration and Runoff
Open Channel Flow
Soil Erosion by Water
Terraces and Vegetated Waterways
Water and Sediment Control Structures
Channel Stabilization and Restoration
Water supply
Drainage Principles and Surface Drainage
Water Table Management
Irrigation Principles
Surface Irrigation
Sprinkler Irrigation
Pumps and Pumping
Soil Erosion by Wind
Conversion Constants
Manning Roughness Coefficients
Pipe and Conduit Flow
Pipe and Drain Tile Specifications