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Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics

ISBN-10: 1135127751

ISBN-13: 9781135127756

Edition: N/A

Authors: Augusto Boal

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Hamlet and the Baker's Son is the autobiography of Augusto Boal, inventor of the internationally renowned Forum Theatre system, and 'Theatre of the Oppressed' and author of Games for Actors and Non-Actors and Legislative Theatre. Continuing to travel the world giving workshops and inspiration to teachers, prisoners, actors and care-workers, Augusto Boal is a visionary as well as a product of his times - the Brazil of military dictatorship and artistic and social repression and was once imprisoned for his subversive activities. From his early days in Brazil's political theatre movement to his recent experiments with theatre as a democratic political process, Boal's story is a moving and…    
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Book details

Publisher: Routledge
Binding: E-Book 
Pages: 384