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Dolphins and Their Power to Heal

ISBN-10: 0892814764

ISBN-13: 9780892814763

Edition: N/A

Authors: Amanda Cochrane, Karena Callen

List price: $24.95
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Book details

List price: $24.95
Publisher: Inner Traditions International, Limited
Publication date: 9/1/1992
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 192
Size: 7.38" wide x 9.50" long x 0.50" tall
Weight: 1.078
Language: English

Karena Callen is a writer and designer. She has worked for a wide variety of magazines including Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Red. She contributes to Glamour, Marie Claire, The Sunday Telegraph Magazine, and Psychologies, and is the author of several books. Karena lives in Kent, UK.