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Escape the Coming Night

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ISBN-10: 084994368X

ISBN-13: 9780849943683

Edition: 2001

Authors: David Jeremiah, Carole C. Carlson

List price: $15.99
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No one can deny that the world is in trouble. Tragedy stalks our streets. Violence and bloodshed fill the news. How do we explain so much chaos? Is there any hope for peace in our time? Dr. David Jeremiah's dramatic narrative on the Book of Revelation answers these and many more challenging questions, by unraveling the imagery and explaining the significance of the events described in the last book of the Bible. Within its pages are the hope and encouragement we need to lift us from the gloom of present events to the promise of a brilliant future.
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Book details

List price: $15.99
Copyright year: 2001
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Incorporated
Publication date: 11/10/2001
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 272
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.25" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 0.682
Language: English

David P. Jeremiah was born February 13, 1941 in Toledo, Ohio. He earned a Bachelor's degree from Cedarville University in 1963 and a Master's degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1967. He was also granted a Doctor of Divinity degree from Cedarville in 1981. Jeremiah succeeded former senior pastor, Tim LaHaye, at Shadow Mountain in 1981. Jeremiah's leadership of the church has led to an affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention. Jeremiah broadcasts a daily evangelical radio program on stations worldwide through his Turning Point Ministries, which he founded in 1982. The broadcast can also be heard online. He is the author of numerous books on Christian theology…    

Revelation: Key to the Future
Warnings Ignored
Mountain Rescue Team
From Fear to Panic
Before It's Too Late
Trauma on Shore
Will We Listen?
Who Can Predict the Future?
True to Date
The Perfect Resume
The Author with the Key
No Longer a Mystery
What on Earth Is Happening?
What Can We Learn from Prophecy?
Voices from the Shore
The Greatest Cover Story
Blessing from His Story
The Risk of Ignorance
Deciphering the Secret Code
Positive and Negative Motivation
Blessings of His Majesty
Purpose of Revelation
Campaign to Ban the Book
The Overcomers
Vision of an Exile
Ups and Downs in the Life of John
No Artist Could Paint Him
Portrait of the Future
The Touch That Takes Away Fear
The World Today: Ruined by Man
The Church Under Glass
Church Shopping
Letter to Ephesus: The Evangelical Church
Letter to Smyrna: The Iron Curtain Church
Letter to Pergamum: The Inner City Church
The "Christian Emperor"
Letter to Thyatira: The Suburban Church
Sardis: The Liberal Church
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What Can We Do If Our Church Is Dead?
Should I Stay or Should I Leave?
Philadelphia: The Missionary Church
Prophetic Promises to Philadelphia-and to Us
The Lukewarm Church in the Last Days
A Look Inside the Last Church on Earth
The Great Physician's Prescription for a Sick Body
The Church at the Crossroads
Earth's Race to the Finish
The Things Which Are
New Age-Old Prophecy
Wars, Famines, Pestilences, and Earthquakes
Wars and Rumors
Faces of Famine
Love Will Grow Cold
A Drugstore on Every Corner
Saturate with Satellites
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Take Me to Your Leader
In the Days of Noah
I Have Told You Ahead of Time
The World Tomorrow: Ruled by Satan
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Events Clearly Outlined
Open Door into Heaven
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The Judgment Seat
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Torture to Triumph
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Four Riders on the Horizon
Dark Prince on a White Horse
Foreshadows of the Dark Prince
The Rider on the Red Horse
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The Second Beast
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Why 666?
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Empires of the Beast
Mystery Babylon
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Many Paths to Mystical Babylon
The Great Whore
Two-Faced Woman
New Age and Mystery Babylon
Power-Hungry Woman
Rich and Intoxicated Woman
Partnership with the Beast
Riding on the Back of the Beast
Harlot's Doom
Tale of Two Babylons, Continued
The Sins of Babylong
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The Second and Third Bowls: Water Turned to Blood
The Fourth Bowl: Intense Heat
The Fifth Bowl: Blackness in Satan's Kingdom
The Sixth Bowl: Euphrates Dries Up
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The Thousand Years
Joy to the World
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Life in the Millennium
Satan on Death Row
Meaning of the First and Second Resurrection
The Last Judgment
Paradise Regained
Entrance to a New Heaven and a New Earth
What Will Happen to the Old Heaven and Earth?
The New Jerusalem: How Big?
Description of the City
Missing in Heaven
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Tell Me about Heaven ... Much Later
The Time Is Near
Our Responsibility
I Am Coming Soon