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Inside American Education

ISBN-10: 0743254082

ISBN-13: 9780743254083

Edition: 2003

Authors: Thomas Sowell

List price: $24.95
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An indictment of the American educational system criticizes the fact that the system has discarded the traditional goals of transmitting knowledge and fostering cognitive skills in favor of building self-esteem and promoting social harmony.
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Book details

List price: $24.95
Copyright year: 2003
Publisher: Free Press
Publication date: 3/14/2003
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 384
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 1.10" tall
Weight: 1.298
Language: English

Thomas Sowellhas taught economics at Cornell, UCLA, Amherst, and other academic institutions, and hisBasic Economicshas been translated into six languages. He is currently a scholar in residence at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has published in both academic journals and in such popular media as theWall Street Journal,Forbesmagazine, andFortune, and he writes a syndicated column that appears in newspapers across the country.