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Boys and Girls Book about Divorce For Children and Their Divorced Parents--The Essential Book

ISBN-10: 0553276190

ISBN-13: 9780553276190

Edition: N/A

Authors: Richard Gardner

List price: $7.99
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Should Your Parents Be Married Even If They're Unhappy With Each Other? If your parents fuss at you does it mean they don't love you? How can you tell if your father loves you, if he lives in another city? Are you "bad" when you get angry with your mother or father? Why is it a mistake  to talk to one parent about another? Do you blame yourself for your parents' divorce? This warm and honest book provides reassuring answers to these and many more crucial questions children ask about divorce.
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Book details

List price: $7.99
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication date: 4/1/1985
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 192
Size: 4.25" wide x 7.01" long x 0.55" tall
Weight: 0.264
Language: English