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World History Comprehensive Edition

ISBN-10: 0534587259

ISBN-13: 9780534587253

Edition: 4th 2002 (Revised)

Authors: Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, George H. Cassar, Richard D. Goff, Jim Holoka, Janice J. Terry

List price: $249.95
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As a global text, Upshur's WORLD HISTORY examines world civilizations in a comparative context. Students learn to recognize and analyze trends and interconnections across history and civilizations.
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Book details

List price: $249.95
Edition: 4th
Copyright year: 2002
Publisher: Wadsworth
Publication date: 7/31/2001
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 864
Size: 9.00" wide x 11.25" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 4.730
Language: English

George H. Cassar, who obtained his Ph.D. from McGill University, is a leading authority on the First World War. He has written many books on the subject, including Kitchener's War: British Strategy from 1914-1916, and Lloyd George at War, 1916-1918. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

James P. Holoka received his B.A. from the University of Rochester, his M.A. from SUNY, Binghamton, and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, where he was a Rackham Prize Fellow. He has taught Greek and Latin, classical humanities, and ancient history since 1974; he received a teaching excellence award in 1980 and a scholarly recognition award in 1991. He is a published translator and the author of three textbooks and over sixty scholarly articles and reviews in such journals as American Historical Review, Classical World, Classical and Modern Literature, and Transactions of the American Philological Association.

Early Civilization in West Asia, Africa, the Aegean, and the Western Hemisphere
The Early Civilization of South and East Asia
The Flowering of Great Faiths and Philosophies
The Age of Great Empires
Disruption and Renewal in West Asia and Europe
Disruption and Renewal in South and East Asia
Developing Civilizations
Three Continents: Conflict and Commerce
Emerging Global Interrelations
Asia in the Early Modern Era
The West: 1600-1800
The Modernization of the Western World
The Race for Empire and World War I
Twentieth-Century Political and Cultural Ferment
The Interwar Years, World War II, and the Cold War
Global Conflicts During the Cold War: 1945-1989
Life in a Multi-Polar World: the Post-Cold War Era