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Once a Marine A Memoir

ISBN-10: 0533155347

ISBN-13: 9780533155347

Edition: N/A

Authors: Jack O'Rourke

List price: $11.95
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As a young man, Jack O'Rourke proudly enlists in the United States Marine Corps shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Now, years later he recounts this life altering experience as he served in both wartime and peacetime. A remarkable tribute to all who devote their lives to the service.
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Book details

List price: $11.95
Publisher: Vantage Press, Incorporated
Publication date: 7/1/2007
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 142
Size: 5.25" wide x 7.75" long x 0.25" tall
Weight: 0.440
Language: English

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