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Lake Wobegon Days

ISBN-10: 0140131612

ISBN-13: 9780140131611

Edition: N/A

Authors: Garrison Keillor, Mike Lynch

List price: $22.00
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Book details

List price: $22.00
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 4/1/1990
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 352
Size: 5.10" wide x 7.72" long x 0.81" tall
Weight: 0.550
Language: English

Humorist Garrison Keillor was born Gary Edward Keillor in Anoka, Minnesota on August 7, 1942. He began using the pen name Garrison at the age of thirteen. He received a B.A. from the University of Minnesota in 1966 and paid for his tuition by working at the campus radio station. In 1974, he wrote an essay for the New Yorker about the Grand Ole Opry, which led to his live radio program, A Prairie Home Companion. Stories from Prairie Home were collected and published, but his debut as a novelist was in 1985 with Lake Wobegon Days. His other novels include WLT: A Radio Romance, The Book of Guys, Wobegon Boy, Me by Jimmy (Big Boy) Valente, and Good Poems, American Places. He has also written…    

Michael Lynch teaches at the University of Leicester and is also a writer, specializing in modern European and Asian history.

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