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Construction Accounting and Financial Management

ISBN-10: 0135232872

ISBN-13: 9780135232873

Edition: 4th 2020

Authors: Steven Peterson

List price: $226.65
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For courses in construction accounting. The market's most in-depth coverage of construction accounting and finance Construction Accounting and Financial Management covers all of the key accounting and financial management principles needed by construction managers to profitably manage the finances of construction companies, as well as how to adapt these principles for the construction industry. The text introduces construction financial management, details the framework for a construction accounting system, describes the management of costs, profits, and cash flows, and provides tools for making financial decisions. The 4th edition includes new sections on topics such as cost segregation,…    
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Book details

List price: $226.65
Edition: 4th
Copyright year: 2020
Publisher: Pearson Education
Publication date: 4/3/2019
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 368
Size: 8.80" wide x 11.20" long x 1.15" tall
Weight: 2.442
Language: English

David Peterson is a solution architect with Microsoft Consulting Services specializing in enterprise application architecture and development. He has 18 years of experience in software development with both Microsoft and a large Canadian retail organization, and has extensive experience is architecting, building and deploying enterprise scale applications in mission critical environments for financial institutions, government and corporate organizations.David is a Microsoft Certificated Solution Developer focusing on technologies such as Microsoft .NET Framework, Commerce Server, SQL Server, Visual C#, Visual Basic, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow, Smart Client and…