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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

ISBN-10: 0131420445

ISBN-13: 9780131420441

Edition: 2004

Authors: Robert Britton

List price: $126.65
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For freshman/sophomore-level courses in Assembly Language Programming, Introduction to Computer Organization, and Introduction to Computer Architecture. Students using this text will gain an understanding of how the functional components of modern computers are put together and how a computer works at the machine language level. MIPS architecture embodies the fundamental design principles of all contemporary RISC architectures. By incorporating this text into their courses, instructors will be able to prepare their undergraduate students to go on to upper-division computer organization courses.
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Book details

List price: $126.65
Copyright year: 2004
Publisher: Pearson Education
Publication date: 5/28/2003
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 168
Size: 6.90" wide x 9.10" long x 0.50" tall
Weight: 0.814
Language: English

The MIPS Architecture
Algorithm Development in Pseudocode
Number Systems
PCSpim: The MIPS Simulator
Efficient Algorithm Development
Function Calls Using the Stack
Reentrant Functions
Memory Mapped I/O
Exceptions and Interrupts
A Pipelined Implementation
Floating-Point Instructions
Quick Reference
Integer Instruction Set
Macro Instructions
A Modified Trap Handler
Floating-Point Instruction Set