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Human Osteology

ISBN-10: 0123741343

ISBN-13: 9780123741349

Edition: 3rd 2010

Authors: Tim D. White, Pieter A. Folkens, Michael T. Black

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A classic in its field, HUMAN OSTEOLOGY has been used by students and professionals through nearly two decades. Now revised and updated for a third edition, the book continues to build on its foundation of detailed photographs and practical real-world application of science. New information, expanded coverage of existing chapters, and additional supportive photographs keep this book current and valuable for both classroom and field work. Osteologists, archaeologists, anatomists, forensic scientists and paleontologists will all find practical information on accurately identifying, recovering, and analysing and reporting on human skeletal remains and on making correct deductions from those…    
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Book details

Edition: 3rd
Copyright year: 2010
Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Publication date: 3/2/2011
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 688
Size: 8.75" wide x 11.25" long x 1.50" tall
Weight: 5.258
Language: English

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Anatomical Terminology
Bone Biology and Variation
Skull: Cranium and Mandible
Hyoid and Vertebrae
Thorax: Sternum and Ribs
Shoulder Girdle: Clavicle and Scapula
Arm: Humerus, Radius, and Ulna
Hand: Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanges
Pelvis: Sacrum, Coccyx, and Os Coxae
Leg: Femur, Patella, Tibia, and Fibula
Foot: Tarsals, Metatarsals, and Phalanges
Anatomical and Biomechanical Context
Field Procedures for Skeletal Remains
Laboratory Procedures and Reporting
Ethics in Osteology
Assessment of Age, Sex, Stature, Ancestry, and Identity of the Individual
Osteological and Dental Pathology
Postmortem Skeletal Modification
The Biology of Skeletal Populations: Discrete Traits, Distance, Diet, Disease, and Demography
Molecular Osteology
Forensic Case Study-Homicide: "We have the Witnesses but No Body�Ǡ
Forensic Case Study-Child Abuse, the Skeletal Perspective
Archeological Case Study-The Bioarcheology of the Stillwater Marsh, Nevada
Archeological Case Study-Anasazi Remains from Cottonwood Canyon
Paleontological Case Study-The Pit of the Bones
Paleontological Case Study: "Ardi,�Ǡ the Ardipithecus ramidus Skeleton from Ethiopia
Imaging Methodology
A Decision Tree ("Key�Ǡ) Approach to Tooth Identification
Online Resources for Human Osteology