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Hole's Anatomy and Physiology 14th Edition

ISBN-10: 0078024293

ISBN-13: 9780078024290

Edition: 14th 2016

Authors: David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis

List price: $209.38
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Learn. Practice. Assess.Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology was created for the introductory level student and assumes no prior science knowledge by placing emphasis on the fundamentals. This new edition updates a great A&P classic while offering greater efficiencies to the user. The format for the 13th edition focuses on Learning Outcomes and Assessments to benefit the student along with the instructor.
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Book details

List price: $209.38
Edition: 14th
Copyright year: 2016
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Publication date: 1/5/2015
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1024
Size: 9.30" wide x 11.10" long x 1.60" tall
Weight: 5.302
Language: English

Jackie Butler’s professional background includes work at the University of Texas Health Science Center conducting research about the genetics of bilateral retinoblastoma. She later worked at Houston’s M. D. Anderson Hospital investigating remission in leukemia patients. A popular educator for more than thirty years at Grayson College, Jackie has taught microbiology and human anatomy and physiology for health science majors. Her experience and work with students of various educational backgrounds have contributed significantly to another revision of Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology and Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology. Jackie Butler received her…    

Ricki Lewis has built an eclectic career in communicating the excitement of geneticsand genomics. She earned her Ph.D. in genetics in 1980 from Indiana University.It was the dawn of the modern biotechnology era, which Ricki chronicled in manymagazines and journals. She published one of the first articles on DNA fingerprintingin Discover magazine in 1988, and a decade later one of the first articles on humanstem cells in The Scientist.Ricki has taught a variety of life science courses at Miami University, the Universityat Albany, Empire State College, and community colleges. She has authored orco-authored several university-level textbooks and is the author of The Forever Fix:Gene Therapy…