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Quotations of Benjamin Franklin

ISBN-10: 1557099383

ISBN-13: 9781557099389

Edition: N/A

Authors: Benjamin Franklin

List price: $12.95
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Witty and wise commentary about money, life, and the events of the day from one of America's first bestselling authors. Featuring a portrait of the author on the front cover with his signature printed below in gold foil, this classic collection of Franklin quotes will inspire anyone who opens its covers.
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Book details

List price: $12.95
Publisher: Applewood Books
Publication date: 10/31/2003
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 32
Size: 4.25" wide x 6.75" long x 0.32" tall
Weight: 0.198
Language: English

One of 17 children, Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He ended his formal education at the age of 10 and began working as an apprentice at a newspaper. Running away to Philadelphia at 17, he worked for a printer, later opening his own print shop. Franklin was a man of many talents and interests. As a writer, he published a colonial newspaper and the well-known Poor Richard's Almanack, which contains his famous maxims. He authored many political and economic works, such as The Way To Wealth and Journal of the Negotiations for Peace. He is responsible for many inventions, including the Franklin stove and bifocal eyeglasses. He conducted scientific experiments, proving…