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List of Figures | |
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About the Authors | |
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Acknowledgments | |
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Preface | |
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Silent Cinema and its Pioneers (1906-1930) | |
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El ciego de aldea, ++ngel Garc+�a Cardona | |
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Amor que mata, Fructu+�s Gelabert | |
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Don Pedro el Cruel, Ricardo Ba_os, Albert Marro | |
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La aldea maldita, Florifn Rey | |
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Surrealism (1924-1930) and the Advent of Sound (the Second Republic: 1931-1936) | |
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Un chien andalou, Luis Bu_uel | |
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Tierra sin pan, Luis Bu_uel | |
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Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) | |
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Suspiros de Espa_a, Benito Perojo | |
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Canciones para despu_s de una guerra, Basilio Mart+�n Patino | |
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The Autarky: Papier-M+�ch_ Cinema (1939-1950) | |
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Raza, Jos_ Luis Sfenz de Heredia | |
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Locura de amor, Juan de Ordu_a | |
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Neorealism: Status Quo and Dissent (1951-1961) | |
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El cochecito, Marco Ferreri | |
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Viridiana, Luis Bu_uel | |
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The "Liberal" Dictatorship and its Agony (1962-1975) | |
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El verdugo, Luis Garc+�a Berlanga | |
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El jard+�n de las delicias, Carlos Saura | |
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Cinema of the Transition: The Period of Disenchantment (1975-1979) | |
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El desencanto, Jaime Chfvarri | |
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El crimen de Cuenca, Pilar Mir+� | |
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Post-Franco Spain: The Pedro Almod+�var Phenomenon (1980-1991) | |
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Pepi, Luci, Bom, y otras chicas del mont+�n, Pedro Almod+�var | |
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)Qu_ he hecho yo para merecer esto!, Pedro Almod+�var | |
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Contemporary Trends (1992 to the Present) | |
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Vacas, Julio Medem | |
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Car+�cies, Ventura Pons | |
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Flores de otro mundo, Ic+�ar Bolla+�n | |
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The Secret Life of Words (La vida secreta de las palabras),Isabel Coixet | |
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Glossary of Film Terms | |
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Historical Chronology | |
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Notes | |
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Bibliography | |
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Index | |