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First Peoples A Documentary Survey of American Indian History

ISBN-10: 1319104916

ISBN-13: 9781319104917

Edition: 6th 2019

Authors: Colin Calloway

List price: $120.99
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First Peoples was Bedford/St. Martin's first "docutext" - a textbook that features groups of primary source documents at the end of each chapter, essentially providing a reader in addition to the narrative textbook. Expertly authored by Colin G. Calloway, First Peoples has been praised for its inclusion of Native American sources and Calloway's concerted effort to weave Native perspectives throughout the narrative. First Peoples' distinctive approach continues to make it the bestselling and most highly acclaimed text for the American Indian history survey. Bedford Digital Collections for Native American HistoryTo give you more options for sources, we are offering five projects from the…    
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Book details

List price: $120.99
Edition: 6th
Copyright year: 2019
Publisher: Bedford/Saint Martin's
Publication date: 9/19/2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 708
Size: 7.40" wide x 9.15" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 2.750
Language: English