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Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas

ISBN-10: 0804732752

ISBN-13: 9780804732758

Edition: 1999

Authors: Jacques. Derrida, Pascale-Anne Brault, Michael Naas

List price: $25.00
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The moving speech Jacques Derrida gave at Emmanuel Levinas' funeral in 1995 is presented in this volume, along with his contribution to the colloquium on the anniversary of Levinas' death.
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Book details

List price: $25.00
Copyright year: 1999
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Publication date: 7/1/1999
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 168
Size: 5.00" wide x 7.99" long x 0.35" tall
Weight: 0.418

Jacques Derrida was born in El-Biar, Algeria on July 15, 1930. He graduated from the �cole Normal Sup�rieure in 1956. He taught philosophy and logic at both the University of Paris and the �cole Normal Sup�rieure for around 30 years. His works of philosophy and linguistics form the basis of the school of criticism known as deconstruction. This theory states that language is an inadequate method to give an unambiguous definition of a work, as the meaning of text can differ depending on reader, time, and context. During his lifetime, he wrote more than 40 books on various aspects of deconstruction including Of Grammatology, Glas, The Postcard: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond, and…    

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