June Parsons and Dan Oja purchased their first computer, an Apple II+, in 1981 and quickly became fluent in BASIC, dBASE II, Lotus 123, WordStar, and a variety of accounting programs. The next year, they opened a successful small computer retail store that also offered software instruction to children and adults. June taught at the university level for more than 20 years and has a doctorate in Educational Technology and was certified by the ICCP in 1995. June and Dan began writing and creating educational software for Course Technology in 1992, contributing to the Windows for Business and Illustrated series, and developing the New Perspectives, e-Course, and Practical series. They work via… Internet connections with a team of highly-skilled media specialists and desktop publishers located in various states and provinces.
Patrick Carey received his M.S. in Biostatistics from the University of Wisconsin, where he worked as a researcher designing and analyzing clinical studies. He co-authored his first textbook on using Excel as a statistical tool. Patrick has authored or co-authored over 20 academic and trade texts for the software industry.