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Cranial Manipulation Theory and Practice

ISBN-10: 0443074496

ISBN-13: 9780443074493

Edition: 2nd 2005 (Revised)

Authors: Leon Chaitow, Zachary Comeaux

List price: $87.95
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This expertly authored book is a valuable clinical manual for therapists interested in cranial manipulation, a fast-growing area of manual therapy practice. The new edition presents the latest thinking on the use of this valuable approach, supported by the most up-to-date research evidence related to its use. Osteopathic biomechanical and biodynamic concepts are thoroughly examined, in addition to chiropractic and dental approaches involving cranial and cranio-facial manipulation. The book's unique approach explores both soft tissue and osseous applications, and provides guidance on which option to select in different clinical situations. Descriptions and explanations of techniques are…    
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Book details

List price: $87.95
Edition: 2nd
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
Publication date: 6/30/2005
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 436
Size: 7.44" wide x 9.69" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 2.288
Language: English

Leon Chaitow ND DO is an internationally known and respected osteopathic and naturopathic practitioner and teacher of soft tissue manipulation methods of treatment. He is author of over 60 books, including a series on Advanced Soft Tissue Manipulation (Muscle Energy Techniques, Positional Release Techniques, Modern Neuromuscular Techniques) and also Palpation Skills; Cranial Manipulation: Theory and Practice; Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Practitioner's Guide to Treatment, and many more. He is editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, that offers a multidisciplinary perspective on physical methods of patient care. Leon Chaitow was for many years senior lecturer on…    

A brief historical perspective
Cranial fundamentals revisited
Exercises: refining cranial palpation skills
Integration with medicine - the scope of cranial work
The biodynamic model of osteopathy in the cranial field
Chiropractic in the cranial field
Cranial movement: mechanical and subtle
Cranial bones: assessment and manipulation
Cranial implications of muscular and fascial distress
Assessment and treatment of key cranially associated muscles
Positional release and cranial pain and dysfunction
Cranial therapy and dentistry
Clinical applications of cranial manipulation
Soft tissue manipulation fundamentals
Cranial treatment and the infant