Illustration of a woman cleaning

Spring Cleaning!

This post is for those who have been suffering through the cold weather climates. The snow warriors who have put up with the grueling temperatures, the icy sidewalks, and relentless flurry of that four-letter word, sn*w.

The end is in sight.

Before we can break out the shorts and the shades, we have to roll up our sleeves and make our winter cocoon presentable again. Yes, that means fighting for every inch of living space and bringing the spring spirit directly into the dorm room!

Here are a few tips for feeling clean again:

1) Declutter the room

This might be the hardest part of cleaning a dorm room because every object is BIG when confined to dorm room walls. This doesn’t mean throw out your printer, but do your best in finding the useless items that are cramming desk space and closets. Once you’ve decluttered, take your clean/useful items and give them a home.

2) Purchase a new bedspread

This may be a bit expensive depending on which type you prefer, but purchasing a new bedspread can encourage that spring feel. Through my personal experiences, my bed became a bench for people who were visiting my room, the winter months only increased this occasion. Buying a new bedspread that incorporates bright colors will bring that warm comfort directly to your room, and make your bed cozy again!

3) Finding a Change of Pace

Add something new and interesting to the room and get everything out that reminds you of those winter blues. A poster, a lamp, new curtains, a plant, what is more springy than a living organism sitting on your windowsill? Or, make a chalkboard you can decorate with spring themes. The addition will give you a sense of a new room for the new season!

Send us your before and after pictures! We’ll share them with our networks.

About the author

Alison Blankenship
Senior Marketing Manager
I graduated Cum Laude from The Ohio State University (Go Bucks!) with degrees in Marketing and Communications. I’ve been working in the textbook industry for over 10 years, and my work has been featured by College Confidential, Mercy College of Health Sciences, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania Tribune, Montana Technological University, Oregon Live, and other organizations.

I’m an obsessive lover of dachshunds and a passionate reader of books. I’m an avid Pinner and poster, and I’m all over our Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram and Pinterest.