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Enjoy It Again Seller Profile

📆 Member since: 1/25/2009
📍 Seller location: Holt, MI
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Refund policy & customer service information:

Returns and Refunds: Full refund including postage for books not as described by seller (within 14 days of receipt). Returns must be sent back in the same condition you received it, and the return must be postmarked within 30 days of shipment. Returns for buyer remorse (i.e., where the buyer simply changes their mind about buying the book)or ordered the wrong book are charged a 15% restocking fee in addition to delivery and return postage.

Seller feedback

5.00 rating | 2 reviews
Feedback score: 100%
Positive reviews: 2
Neutral reviews: 0
Negative reviews: 0
Quick shipping and great price