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Maternal-Newborn Thyroid Dysfunction

ISBN-10: 3848486881

ISBN-13: 9783848486885

Edition: N/A

Authors: Ahmed Ahmed

List price: $64.00
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I obtained my master degree of Science in Zoology with general specialisation in Cell Biology and Histology and particularly in developmental-biology and -physiology field in 2005. I mainly worked on developing rat brain and spinal cord during pre- and post-natal periods. I subsequently obtained my PhD degree in zoology with general specialisation in Embryology and Comparative Anatomy and particularly in developmental-neuroendocrinology and -physiology field in 2009. I studied the interactions between the different states of thyroid hormones and rat brain development during the perinatal period. I gained a remarkable experience in different biochemical and histological techniques and…    
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Book details

List price: $64.00
Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 368
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.82" tall
Weight: 1.188
Language: English