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Natural Healing BOOK of CURES There Is a Cure for Every Disease

ISBN-10: 1939147409

ISBN-13: 9781939147400

Edition: 2013

Authors: Terry Cooksey

List price: $17.99
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Natural healing BOOK of CURES is a Revolutionary book for improving your health and curing and preventing many chronic diseases and conditions that doctors have no cures for. Are these miracle cures? They only seem like miracle cures because of your unhealthy diet & the saturation of poisons in your food, drinks and water supplies and your personal hygiene items! This book empowers you with the knowledge to save your own life and cure yourself of any and all disease. And for the rare few who do not, the least you will do is significantly improve your health. Since all disease is caused by poisons (except for the 20% caused by viruses and germs), avoiding poisons is the key to preventing and…    
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Book details

List price: $17.99
Copyright year: 2013
Publisher: American Publishing US
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 208
Size: 6.69" wide x 9.61" long x 0.44" tall
Weight: 0.748
Language: English