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Trogons and Quetzals of the World

ISBN-10: 1935623826

ISBN-13: 9781935623823

Edition: N/A

Authors: Paul A. Johnsgard

List price: $52.00
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Of all birdgroups, none is more closely associated with the world's tropical forests than trogons and quetzals. With shimmering golden-green feathers and long ornamental tail coverts, Central America's resplendent quetzal often has been called the world's most beautiful bird. Other New World as well as African trogonids also are iridescent and brightly pigmented, while red or reddish brown hues predominate in Asian species. Since deforestation and fires have ravaged many of the reclusive group's prime habitats, ornithologists and conservationists may soon be unable to study many of the world's trogonids in their native environments. Beautifully illustrated with color plates and line…    
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Book details

List price: $52.00
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
Publication date: 7/21/2015
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 171
Size: 6.98" wide x 9.95" long x 0.58" tall
Weight: 1.144
Language: English