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Slow Parenting Teens

ISBN-10: 1935254707

ISBN-13: 9781935254706

Edition: 2012

Authors: Molly Wingate, Marti Woodward

List price: $15.95
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A news flash to parents: if their relationships with their teens aren't what they want, they can change it. The five "slow" attitudes in this book will help parents face their own fears and create a positive, respectful, and fun parenting relationship with teenagers.
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Book details

List price: $15.95
Copyright year: 2012
Publisher: Norlightspress.Com
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 148
Size: 5.50" wide x 8.50" long x 0.25" tall
Weight: 0.396
Language: English

Molly Wingate brings her practice as a parent and educator to Slow Parenting Teens. She co-parents her two, teen-aged sons with her husband, Brian Murphy. They have a two-career, two-station wagon, traditional, nuclear family. She taught high school and college students (teenagers) for over twenty years before starting a writing consulting business. Molly has a B.A. and M.A. in English literature.

Marti Woodward has a master's degree in Guidance and Counseling and is a single mom of three teen-aged girls. Marti worked in the field of adolescent addiction and also designed and implemented a family program for at-risk adolescents. She has trained executives and supervisors and facilitated workshops for a variety of organizations. As a coach, Marti continues to specialize in adolescent and family issues.