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Nifty Fifty State Flags

ISBN-10: 1933662999

ISBN-13: 9781933662992

Edition: 2008

Authors: Paul Beatrice, Paul Rodhe

List price: $14.95
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Following last season's terrific license plate collection, here comes another "Nifty Fifty" and all across America, children will cheer for their own home state and its flag, while discovering fun facts about all the other states. The engaging and entertaining gift set features a 16-page booklet, 50 cards, a map of the USA, and a pad with colored paper so kids can design their own flag. Each of the colorful cards displays a state flag, while the opposite side has detailed information on why it looks the way it does, what some of the flag's symbols mean, and odd facts about that state. Kids will love finding out about towns with silly names (including Belchertown, Massachusetts and…    
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Book details

List price: $14.95
Copyright year: 2008
Publisher: Cider Mill Press Book Publishers, LLC
Publication date: 5/6/2008
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 16
Size: 4.25" wide x 7.00" long x 1.70" tall
Weight: 1.078
Language: English