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No Boundaries

ISBN-10: 1932195017

ISBN-13: 9781932195019

Edition: 2003

Authors: Ray Gonzales

List price: $22.95
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"As more poets write prose poems, one of the most common reasons they give for turning to them is that their fluent composition offers a 'freedom of expression' lined poetry often restricts. To many, this sounds like a contradiction stemming from the eternal belief that any kind of good poetry has no boundaries. Yet those that write prose poems insist the act of placing their poems into sentences and paragraphs gives them a fresh approach to content and form."-From the introduction by Ray Gonzalez. An innovative and refreshing concept in poetry anthologies, No Boundaries is the first collection of contemporary prose poetry to present substantial selections from the works of well-known…    
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Book details

List price: $22.95
Copyright year: 2003
Publisher: Tupelo Press, Incorporated
Publication date: 4/1/2003
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.90" tall
Weight: 0.880
Language: English

Introductionp. xiii
Red Blossomsp. 4
The Artichokep. 5
The Ultimate Orgasmp. 6
The Obsessionp. 7
The Life of Borgesp. 8
An Alternative to Sexp. 9
The Right Timep. 10
The Messagep. 11
Like an Angelp. 12
Amnesiap. 13
Warning to the Readerp. 15
An Oyster Shellp. 16
The Crow's Headp. 17
A Hollow Treep. 18
The Black Crab-Demonp. 19
An Octopusp. 20
Two Sounds When We Sit By the Oceanp. 21
Calm Day at Drake's Bayp. 22
A Piece of Lichenp. 23
The Orchard Keeperp. 24
History of Cloudsp. 26
Parable of the Astral Wheelp. 27
Parable of the Traveler From Qatarp. 28
Hawaiian Shirtp. 29
Unforgivenp. 30
Crimes Against the Futurep. 31
To Propagate a Change in Configuration or Bill Gates & The Blue Cowp. 32
Involving the Use of the Word Americap. 33
Three Presidentsp. 34
Parable of the White House Replicap. 35
"In this wind"p. 37
"No one promised..."p. 38
"The man has lost his way..."p. 39
"A small stranger..."p. 40
"El Paso"p. 41
"At junctures we renamed..."p. 42
"Would I dive again..."p. 43
"Pieces that jammed..."p. 44
"The boy had told a rhyme..."p. 45
"A truck pulled up..."p. 46
An Americanp. 48
Bluesp. 49
The Sorry Partp. 51
The Sixties: Two Scenesp. 53
In Historyp. 54
The Wheel of Appetitep. 55
The Hawk. The Road. The Sunlight After Cloudsp. 57
Brutal Squaresp. 59
Memoryp. 60
The Baitp. 62
Hereditary Guessp. 65
Votivep. 66
Farm Mutilationsp. 67
The Lost Fingerp. 68
First Death in Oklahomap. 69
Wellspringp. 70
The Life of the Bodyp. 71
Level and Risep. 73
The Seven Anxieties of Sleepp. 74
The Harpist, Between the Beginning and Endp. 75
A Man Who Makes Tearsp. 77
The Dark Side of the Moonp. 78
The Loverp. 79
Conjugalp. 80
The Glandular Conditionp. 81
The Marionettes of Distant Mastersp. 82
The Wheelp. 83
The Family Monkeyp. 84
Twinsp. 85
Roundp. 86
Difficulty at the Beginningp. 88
Saintsp. 89
Bzzzzzzzp. 90
The Curep. 91
A Lecture on Jealousyp. 92
The Holy Ghostp. 93
War Criminalp. 94
The Unforeseenp. 95
Bitter Angelp. 96
Slow Boatp. 97
A Painting Is Never in Lovep. 99
Joan Miro Threw a Stone at Godp. 100
He Calls His Dog Rimbaudp. 101
Fucking Aztecs, Palomas, Mexicop. 102
The Black Torso of the Pharaohp. 103
Understandingp. 104
As If Talkingp. 105
The Batp. 106
The Blessingp. 107
Traditionalp. 108
Reader of This Pagep. 110
Memorial Dayp. 111
Buho, Buhop. 112
New Year's Dayp. 113
The Exegesisp. 114
After Midnight at the Salvage Yardp. 115
After Chaos Theoryp. 116
First Apartmentp. 117
Self-Portraitp. 118
River Spiritsp. 119
Giraffe on Firep. 121
At the Exodus Gym/ Valencia Streetp. 122
"Who are you?"p. 123
"Hold up the right corner..."p. 124
La Llorona Power-Woman Confidentialp. 125
I, Citlalli "La Loca" Cienfuegos: Sutra on the Notebookp. 128
"The little boy breathes..."p. 129
Exilesp. 130
"The gold triangle..."p. 131
Taking a Bath in Aztlanp. 132
The Namep. 134
Laundromatp. 135
Somersaultp. 136
The Bear's Moneyp. 137
Insectsp. 138
War Surplusp. 139
The Ukrainian Easter Eggp. 140
Violence on Televisionp. 141
Stone Arch, National Rock Formationp. 142
The Bookp. 143
Enigma of the Stigma, or Vice Versap. 145
The Dollp. 146
Darwinp. 147
The New Countryp. 148
Guy Talkp. 149
Provincetownp. 150
Neanderthalp. 151
Homep. 152
Nettlesp. 153
Returnp. 154
The Sentencep. 156
A Proclitic Stitch in the Vertical Pull of Roberto Juarrozp. 158
To Live in Pronouns: The Birth of Pedro Salinasp. 160
The Death of Attila Jozsefp. 161
Lemon Seeds of Yannis Ritsosp. 162
Lucien Blaga Was Not a Fishp. 164
Blas de Otero and the Pantry of Bloodp. 165
Belgisch Congo, Congo Belgep. 166
Cavafy's Cravingp. 168
Brahms and the Taxidermies of Sleepp. 169
Angel Eating Snowp. 171
Watching Her Soul from Belowp. 173
Narcissus's Suitcasep. 174
Black Pearlp. 175
Jar of Beesp. 176
Giving Away Bonesp. 177
Human with Little Sun in Her Handsp. 178
Anatomy Woman Escapesp. 179
The Chalk Bridep. 180
All of Its Words, Both Winged and Quilledp. 181
The Lake Shore Limitedp. 183
Come Back Elvis, Come Back to Holyokep. 184
The Neighborhood Manp. 185
Bumpp. 186
On Weeping Iconsp. 187
Love Poemp. 188
The Year of the Manp. 189
Meditation on a Bird Sitting on a Man's Headp. 190
When the Babies Are Missing Againp. 191
The Second Song of Insomniap. 192
The Wordsp. 194
The 8th, 9th, and 10th Wonders of the Worldp. 195
My Father's Hobbyp. 197
The Girl Who Became My Grandmotherp. 198
Smoking Cigarsp. 199
Moon & Flowerp. 200
Angel Incidentp. 202
Goodbye to the Twentieth Centuryp. 203
The Facep. 204
The People We Never Heard Ofp. 205
The Prose Poemp. 207
The Gulfp. 209
Mountainair, New Mexicop. 210
Four Clouds Like the Irish in Memoryp. 211
A Dovep. 212
El Balseritop. 213
Sylvia Plathp. 214
Manitobap. 215
Plumsp. 216
The Wreckp. 218
Souvenir From Anywherep. 220
Once Ever Afterp. 221
The Lunar Lutheranp. 222
Free Radicalsp. 223
Dim Ladyp. 224
Naked Statuesp. 225
The Anthropic Principlep. 226
Denigrationp. 227
Coals to Newcastle, Panama Hats from Ecuadorp. 228
Black Nikesp. 229
I Was Thinking of Poemsp. 231
The Mind of Squashp. 232
Living Alone Inside One's Own Bodyp. 233
Bright Needle Poked Through Dark Clothp. 234
Parisp. 235
Mint Snowball IIp. 236
His Lifep. 237
Rain Falling into the River That Moment as They Mergep. 238
Working for Tomp. 239
Islandp. 240
"I was stolen by the gypsies"p. 242
Terra Incognitap. 243
Old Postcard of 42nd Street at Nightp. 244
"Are Russian cannibals worse than the English?"p. 245
"Time--the lizard in the sunlight."p. 246
"My guardian angel is afraid of the dark."p. 247
The Magic Study of Happinessp. 248
"Lover of endless disappointments..."p. 249
The Old Man Told Mep. 250
Our Angelic Ancestorp. 251
"And when the nights"p. 253
"I never wish..."p. 254
"I watching for it..."p. 255
"If it be event"p. 256
"There comes a time..."p. 257
"Although the paths lead..."p. 258
"What we know..."p. 259
"Shrewd star"p. 260
"I have a friend."p. 261
"I won't go in today."p. 262
Wednesday Morning Pray Timep. 264
Dis/coeurs on the Methodp. 265
Housewife's Lamentp. 266
A Very Big Windp. 267
Adam Au Versop. 268
Representationp. 269
Gustatory/ Hortatoryp. 270
Sun Dialp. 271
Self Extensionp. 272
Accordp. 273
"Crushed by love..."p. 275
"My mother..."p. 276
"Kitty smiled"p. 277
"When the boy died"p. 278
"Fishing the Powder River..."p. 279
"Midnight, Christmas"p. 280
"My son was possessed..."p. 281
"When I was a young man..."p. 282
"I was home..."p. 283
"I am not an incidental thought..."p. 284
Acknowledgmentsp. 286
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