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Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi

ISBN-10: 1557091102

ISBN-13: 9781557091109

Edition: 1995 (Reprint)

Authors: George Devol

List price: $19.95
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George H. Devol was the greatest riverboat gambler in the history of the Mississippi. Born in Ohio in 1829, he ran away from home and worked as a cabin boy at age ten. At fourteen he could stack a deck of cards. Over the years, he bilked soldiers, paymasters, cotton buyers, thieves, and businessmen alike. He fought more fights than anyone, and was never beaten. This is his story. Nobody was ever bored by it.
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Book details

List price: $19.95
Copyright year: 1995
Publisher: Applewood Books
Publication date: 2/1/1996
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 308
Size: 5.00" wide x 8.00" long x 0.73" tall
Weight: 0.748
Language: English