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Astronomy A Visual Guide

ISBN-10: 155297958X

ISBN-13: 9781552979587

Edition: 2004

Authors: Mark A. Garlick

List price: $39.95
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Book details

List price: $39.95
Copyright year: 2004
Publisher: Firefly Books, Limited
Publication date: 8/7/2004
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 304
Size: 9.25" wide x 9.00" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 3.234
Language: English

Searching the Heavens
Ever since humans first gathered in groups, people have searched the heavens
Our ancestors looked to the skies for messages from the gods to guide them, celestial signs telling when to reap and sow
And even today, thousands of years later, we retain a fascination with the sky, though for different reasons.
Astronomy through the ages
Sky gods
Scientific beginnings
The development of astronomy tools
Major space centers
Space observatories
Hubble Space Telescope
Radio astronomy
Infrared astronomy
UV astronomy
X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
The space race
Mission milestones
Space disasters
Space stations
A history of unmanned probes
Solar and lunar probes
Asteroid and comet probes
Terrestrial planet probes
Gas planet probes
The Solar System
The Solar System is our home in space, a prime piece of celestial real estate some 4600 million years old
This is the planetary system that contains the Sun, the nine known planets -- Earth among them -- and countless small but equally interesting chunks of debris called comets and asteroids.
Formation of the Solar System
The modern Solar System
Future of the Solar System
The planets
The Sun
The Moon
Solar eclipses
Lunar eclipses
Meteors and meteorites
Beyond Pluto
Stars, Galaxies and Celestial Light
Beyond the Solar System, things take on an extremely new scale. Stars are strewn across the Milky Way Galaxy like grains of sand many miles apart
They share their home with a whole host of celestial lights called nebulae
And then, beyond our own galaxy, there are hundreds of billions of others.
Celestial clouds
What is a star?
Lifecycle of a star
Binaries, multiples and variables
Star clusters
Star death: planetary nebulae
Star death: supernovae
Star death: black wholes
Galaxy classification
Spiral galaxies
Elliptical galaxies
Lenticular galaxies
Irregular galaxies
Active and radio galaxies
Galaxy clusters
Galaxy birth
Galaxy evolution
The Night Sky
The night sky is more than just the Moon and a few dozen constellations of stars
Planets, nebulae, clusters of stars and even a few galaxies are all visible with the unaided eye
And with modest equipment such as a pair of binoculars or a small telescope, the celestial dome takes on a whole new dimension.
Understanding the night sky
Mapping the heavens
The spinning Earth
Constellations and the zodiac
Beginning astronomy
Choosing and using binoculars
Choosing and using telescopes
Reading the star maps
Whole sky overview
Monthly stars of the northern skies
Monthly stars of the southern skies
The Universe
Our understanding of the Universe today is very different from what it was just 10 years ago
The very fabric of space and time is now seen as inextricably interwoven with a mysterious "dark energy" about which we know next to nothing
And this is just one example of the many unknowns that astronomers struggle with daily.
Formation of the Universe
Evidence for the Big Bang
Our place in the Universe
Life in the Universe
Gamma ray bursters
Dark matter
Dark energy
Future of the Universe