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ISBN-10: 1551643006

ISBN-13: 9781551643007

Edition: 2007

Authors: Franz Oppenheimer, Charles Hamilton

List price: $19.99
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Over the years, many writers have claimed that the State has some kind of noble mission. Few have seen things with such clarity as the German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer. The State, Oppenheimer persuasively argues, is always born in the conquest of one group by another. The conquerors then set themselves up as the government and extract tribute in the form of taxes from the conquered. Furthermore, he argues, the State can have originated in no other way than through conquest and subjugation, and to advance his argument, he draws on vast historical knowledge with dramatic examples of the beginnings of the State from prehistoric to primitive, from huntsmen to herders, from the Vikings to…    
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Book details

List price: $19.99
Copyright year: 2007
Publisher: Black Rose Books
Publication date: 5/15/2007
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 202
Size: 5.28" wide x 8.26" long x 0.54" tall
Weight: 0.572
Language: English