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Return of the Native

ISBN-10: 1550812300

ISBN-13: 9781550812305

Edition: 2007

Authors: Jonathan Butler

List price: $16.00
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Kissing the big-city life goodbye, Udo Nomi retu s to Newfoundland from Toronto for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a hero for his people to help free The Republic. In a comic, quasi-parody of the liberties taken by contemporary writers of historical fiction, Udo discovers the quagmires which exist in historical scholarship. The past is not so certain after all. Perhaps what really matters, Udo comes to lea , is the way we narrate the present and our own role in it. A romp through downtown St. John's, blending the comic with the serious and farce with political sincerity, Retu of the Native is a fast-paced, humorous novel about both what's been done to Newfoundland and what makes a…    
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Book details

List price: $16.00
Copyright year: 2007
Publisher: Breakwater Books, Limited
Publication date: 5/1/2007
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 160
Size: 6.02" wide x 8.98" long x 0.32" tall
Weight: 0.506
Language: English