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Voices at Whisper Bend

ISBN-10: 1497648181

ISBN-13: 9781497648180

Edition: N/A

Authors: Katherine Ayres

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At the outbreak of World War II, a twelve-year-old girl comes up with an idea to help the war effortAmerica has just entered World War II, and everyone in Charlotte Campbell's family is doing his or her part, either abroad or in the Pennsylvania factory town where the Campbells live. Charlotte's brother Jim has enlisted in the navy, and her mother works in Braddock's local war plant. Her dad guides tugboats filled with supplies up the Monongahela River. Eager to contribute to the war effort--besides saving to buy defense stamps--Charlotte organizes a scrap metal drive like the ones all over the country. She and her sixth-grade classmates start collecting old junk and soon have so much that…    
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Book details

Publisher: Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
Publication date: 7/8/2014
Binding: E-Book 
Pages: 165
Language: English