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Tales from the Wayland Forth Edition

ISBN-10: 1490382372

ISBN-13: 9781490382371

Edition: N/A

Authors: Jonathan Garthwaite

List price: $9.08
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The intemperate and unforgiving rock sentinel of Broughton Island, of the far flung Sub-Antarctic Tini Heke group, pays witness one day to the arrival of a solitary tourist, of a kind. A person of near equal intemperate and craggy nature, Mitch Broughton - a distant relative of the island's European namesake - accompanied by his long time companion - a parakeet of stout, if not rhetorical, vocabulary - stumble ashore to spend Three Days on Tini Heke. Gladys Garthportal enjoys a sip, a tipple, the occasional genteel swallow even. And with her best friend, Hilda, in tow, the two elderly chums find themselves more often than not alright on any given night. Through long and stormy Dunedin City…    
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Book details

List price: $9.08
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 6/6/2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 232
Size: 5.25" wide x 8.00" long x 0.48" tall
Weight: 0.726
Language: English

Born under the slowly clearing skies of mid 70s Pittsburgh, PA, and having been swept to the shores of southern New Zealand at an early age, J. Garthwaite is once again a Stateside resident. When not attempting a resemblance of residency, he spends his time driving large trucks and does occasionally conjure a roadside, or wayland, tale as the long miles pass.