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Inevitable: Mass Customized Learning Learning in the Age of Empowerment

ISBN-10: 1470059053

ISBN-13: 9781470059057

Edition: N/A

Authors: Charles Schwahn, Beatrice McGarvey

List price: $17.95
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Meeting the individual learning needs of every learner, every hour, of every day although espoused by educators, has only been a impossible dream for educators facing student-teacher ratios of 25 to 1. But, alas, it is now a reality....a reality that is hiding in plain sight. Inevitable: Mass Customizing Learning (MCL) describes a detailed vision of how schools can change from the present outdated Industrial Age, assembly line structure to a mass customized learning structure with the capacity to meet the individual learning needs of every learner.....that's every learner, not some, not most, but every learner. iTunes,, Verizon, Wikipedia, and Google (to name a few)…    
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Book details

List price: $17.95
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication date: 5/30/2012
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 248
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 0.880
Language: English