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British Barbarians

ISBN-10: 1406507555

ISBN-13: 9781406507553

Edition: N/A

Authors: Grant Allen

List price: $12.99
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Work from the respected writer, expounder of Darwinism and pioneer in Canadian science fiction.
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Book details

List price: $12.99
Publisher: Dodo Press
Binding: Paperback
Language: English

Grant Allen has worked in the IT field for over 20 years, as a CTO, enterprise architect, and database administrator. Grant's roles have covered private enterprise, academia and the government sector around the world, specialising in global-scale systems design, development, and performance. He is a frequent speaker at industry and academic conferences, on topics ranging from data mining to compliance, and technologies such as databases (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL), content management, collaboration, disruptive innovation, and mobile ecosystems like Android. His first Android application was a task list to remind him to finish all his other unfinished Android projects. Grant works for…