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Making Social Worlds A Communication Perspective

ISBN-10: 1405162600

ISBN-13: 9781405162609

Edition: 2007

Authors: W. Barnett Pearce

List price: $51.95
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How one acts during "critical moments " can change the world. The tools and concepts of CMM - Coordinated Management of Meaning - show us how to discern and to act wisely during the critical moments that shape our world and define our future. This text presents the most accessible introduction to CMM, one of the groundbreaking theories of speech communication.In an age in which what happens anywhere affects us everywhere, and in which we must become accustomed to interacting with people whose customs are different than our own, more sophisticated patterns of communication are demanded. Making Social Worlds: A Communication Perspective provides heuristic concepts and models that help us…    
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Book details

List price: $51.95
Copyright year: 2007
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date: 12/26/2007
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 272
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 1.056
Language: English

Critical moments that shape our social worlds
Taking a communication perspective on social worlds
Paradigms and the ""physics"" of social worlds
Communication: Coordinating Actions and Making/Managing Meanings
Doing things in communication: Speech acts
Episodes and patterns of communication
Selves and forms of consciousness
Relationships and relational minds
Afterword: Something of a guide for using CMM